Verification Result List
Get verification result list
You can get the list of past verification requests and results using this API.
In querying the verification history, you can use multiple optional query parameters collaboratively(AND operation) to specify the targets.
Query Parameters
Field Name | Data Type | Required | Example | Description |
fromDate | string | false | “2022-01-01” | Starting datetime for verification request time duration to query. (Default : 1970-01-01) |
toDate | string | false | "2011-01-15” | Ending datetime for verification request time duration to query. (Default: datetime of API executed) |
symbol | string | false | "ETH” | A symbol of the virtual asset |
network | string | false | "Ethereum" | The blockchain network of virtual asset |
txHash | string | false | “0x9fd7bfd46e4402c7197b4d8deb0199fcf7c1f57ef70c339f403a1cb060c31c28” | Transaction ID (Transaction hash, txHash). |
result | string | false | “VERIFIED” | Verification result |
actionType | string | false | “SEND” | VASP Transaction Type. |
oppositeVaspId | string | false | “27372039731940175” | ID of VASP that is the opposite side of verification to query. |
originatorAccountNumber | string | false | “0x5811001506550d8356a215be229c15b6ef371a9a” | Originator's wallet address |
beneficiaryAccountNumber | string | false | “0x5811001506550d8356a215be229c15b6ef371a9b” | Beneficiary's wallet address. |
page | number | false | 1 | Paging number (default : 1) |
rpp | number | false | 10 | Number of records to fetch (default : 10) |
result field specification is as follows.
The field value is one of "VERIFIED","DENIED","UNKNOWN","ERROR"
VERIFIED: The user is successfully verified without any doubt or problem.
DENIED: The wallet address is valid but the requested action is not allowed from the user's unexpected problems. (e.g. lack of KYC credential)
UNKNOWN: The wallet address is unknown to the VASP.
ERROR: Any other exceptional cases.
actionType field specification is as follows.
The field value is one of "SEND" or "RECEIVE" along with the VASP Transaction Type.
SEND: VASP sending case.
RECEIVE: VASP receiving case.
Response Body
Field Name | Data Type | Required | Example | Description |
count | number | true | 172 | Total number of verification results |
page | number | true | 1 | Paging number (default : 1) |
rpp | number | true | 10 | Number of records in this list (default : 10) |
verifications | array | true | - | Verification result list |
verifications.verificationId | string | true | "12345" | Verification result ID |
verifications.verificationUuid | string | true | "4615aa9d-ac64-4997-a9e6-0e772c57c7ef" | Verification request ID |
verifications.result | string | false | "VERIFIED" | Verification result code |
verifications.reason | string | false | "OK" | Error code in case of verification failure, OK in case of success. |
verifications.assetInfo | object | true | - | Virtual asset description object |
verifications.assetInfo.symbol | string | true | “ETH” | A symbol of virtual asset | | string | false | "Ethereum" | The blockchain network of virtual asset |
verifications.assetInfo.amount | string | true | “0.024” | Amount of asset to transfer |
verifications.assetInfo.isExceedingThreshold | boolean | true | true | Whether the amount is over the legal threshold in fiat currency conversion of virtual assets to be transferred |
verifications.assetInfo.tradePrice | string | true | “2439800” | The amount of virtual assets to be transferred converted to fiat currency |
verifications.assetInfo.tradeCurrency | string | true | “KRW” | A symbol of fiat currency |
verifications.assetInfo.tradeISODatetime | string | true | “2022-02-06T23:13:43.513Z” | Application time of currency conversion price to fiat money in ISO format |
verifications.txHash | string | true | “0x9fd7bfd46e4402c7197b4d8deb0199fcf7c1f57ef70c339f403a1cb060c31c28” | Transaction ID (Transaction hash, txHash). |
verifications.vout | string | false | "2" | An index value indicating which transfer corresponds to within a single transaction |
verifications.originatingVaspId | string | true | "15952089931162058999" | Originating VASP ID |
verifications.originatorAccountNumber | string | true | [”0x001506550d8356a215be229c15b6ef371a9a”] | Originator's wallet address |
verifications.ivms101Originator | string | true | "{'originatorPersons':[{'naturalPerson':{'name':{'nameIdentifier':[{'primaryIdentifier':'Taylor','nameIdentifierType':'LEGL'}]},'accountNumber':['1G3qCGKP5dQtQ7secCPTCDPU9Wfjp9x3Hb']}" | IVMS101 format of originator information |
verifications.ivms101OriginatingVasp | string | true | "{'legalPerson':{'name':{'nameIdentifier':[{'legalPersonName':'A Exchange','legalPersonNameIdentifierType':'LEGL'}]},'geographicAddress':[{'addressType':'GEOG','postcode':'12345','townName':'Seoul City','addressLine':['Gangnam-gu, Gangbuck-do'],'country':'KR'}],'nationalIdentification':{'nationalIdentifier':'KR001','nationalIdentifierType':'RAID','registrationAuthority':'RA001'}}}" | IVMS101 format of originating VASP information |
verifications.beneficiaryVaspId | string | true | "15952089931162058777" | Beneficiary VASP ID |
verifications.beneficiaryAccountNumber | string | true | [”0x001506550d8356a215be229c15b6ef371a9b”] | Beneficiary account number |
verifications.ivms101Beneficiary | string | true | "{'originatorPersons':[{'naturalPerson':{'name':{'nameIdentifier':[{'primaryIdentifier':'James','nameIdentifierType':'LEGL'}]},'accountNumber':['1G3qCGKP5dQtQ7secCPTCDPU9Wfjp9x3Hb']}" | IVMS101 format of Beneficiary information |
verifications.ivms101BeneficiaryVasp | string | true | "{'legalPerson':{'name':{'nameIdentifier':[{'legalPersonName':'B Exchange','legalPersonNameIdentifierType':'LEGL'}]},'geographicAddress':[{'addressType':'GEOG','postcode':'12345','townName':'Seoul City','addressLine':['Gangnam-gu, Gangbuck-do'],'country':'KR'}],'nationalIdentification':{'nationalIdentifier':'KR002','nationalIdentifierType':'RAID','registrationAuthority':'RA001'}}}" | IVMS101 format of Beneficiary VASP information |
verifications.verifiedAt | string | true | "2022-02-22T14:41:50.000Z" | Verification datetime |
verifications.orderedAt | Date | true | "2022-02-22T14:42:12.000Z" | Transaction ID reporting datetime |
verifications.createdAt | Date | true | "2022-02-22T14:41:49.000Z" | Verification request datetime |
result field specification is as follows.
The field value is one of "VERIFIED","DENIED","UNKNOWN","ERROR"
VERIFIED: The user is successfully verified without any doubt or problem.
DENIED: The wallet address is valid but the requested action is not allowed from the user's unexpected problems. (e.g. lack of KYC credential)
UNKNOWN: The wallet address is unknown to the VASP.
ERROR: Any other exceptional cases.
reason field specification is as follows.
Refer to the below table for the
field value.
reason (string) | result (string) | message (string) | Description |
| DENIED | The value of symbol name (which is not supported in VASP) | Unknown or not supported asset symbol |
| DENIED | The value of network name (which is not supported in VASP) | Unknown or not supported blockchain network (i.e. symbol matches but network does not) |
| DENIED | The unknown wallet address | Unknown wallet address to the VASP |
| DENIED | A comma(,) separated required but missing personal information fields list | Verification denied due to lack of personal information |
| DENIED | A comma(,) separated undeliverable personal information field list | Requested personal information cannot be transferred for processing |
| DENIED | - | Verification denied by problems in sanction screening |
| DENIED | - | User KYC required |
| DENIED | - | Name mismatch |
| DENIED | The reason why it is not allowed | The originating VASP reject the user's withdrawal request for any reason. |
| DENIED | Error description | Unexpected exceptional case happens |
| ERROR | - | Beneficiary address is mismatched by VASP |
| ERROR | - | Verification processing exceeds the timeout limit |
verifications.assetInfo.isExceedingThreshold field specification
If the amount of virtual asset transfer is over or equal to the legal threshold for verification requirement, use true.
Or, the field returns false.
Last updated