Getting Started with VerifyVASP

The purpose of this document is to help VASPs to seamlessly get up and running on the VerifyVASP alliance.

Please register your entity in order to kick-start our comprehensive due-diligence process. This is necessary to ensure that only credible VASPs are onboard onto our alliance. While that is in progress, we recommend you start by understanding VerifyVASP architecture and protocols first, then follow the procedure provided.

Understanding Architecture and Protocol of VerifyVASP's TravelRule℗ Solution

Do contact us for more information on our VerifyNAME℗ solution that facilitates first-party (same name) transfers between Travel Rule obliged and non Travel Rule Obliged VASPs.

Product Overview

How to get connected with VerifyVASP℗

This document describes VerifyVASP's infrastructure setup, security requirements and other technical details.

1. Join the biggest Travel Rule Alliance

Join the Alliance by registering on VerifyVASP Console. Please refer below for detailed steps on registration. Upon successful onboarding, an API-KEY will be issued along with other more detailed documentation including VerifyNAME℗.

Alliance Registration & API Key Creation

2. Implement VASP APIs to Be Provided by VASPs

Before interlocking to VerifyVASP Enclave Server, implement VASP side APIs described below.

VASP API Functionality

3. Build Database to Be Used in Enclave

This is information on the database used in the VerifyVASP Enclave server.


4. Interlock with Enclave Server

This explains how to install and interlock with Enclave Server.

Enclave Installation & Execution

5. Utility

This is a guide for utilizing VerifyVASP Enclave Server API.

Enclave Server API UtilizationRobot VASP Utilization

Last updated