Error Report
Error Report
This API reports an unsuccessful result to the beneficiary VASP.
For example, even if the verification was done successfully, a transaction might not proceed because of an internal issue (e.g. the beneficiary is in the sanction list). Then, the error status must be shared with the beneficiary VASP.
The originating VASP MUST report the error circumstance to VerifyVASP as soon as it decides to cancel the transaction permanently.
The report helps the beneficiary VASP stop unnecessary inquiries about the canceled transaction.
Request Body
Field Name | Data Type | Required | Example | Description |
result | string | true | "VERIFIED" | Error Result. One of 'VERIFIED', 'DENIED', 'UNKNOWN', 'ERROR', 'PENDING', and 'TRANSFER_ERROR.' |
reason | string | true | "OK" | A detailed reason for the result |
message | string | false | - | Message description for the error code |
verificationUuid | string | true | "64ab871b-14a3-47df-9b80-368e29fe8180" | User verification request ID |
reason field specification is as follows.
The field is valid only when
the field is DENIED.Refer to the below table for the
field value.
reason (string) | result (string) | message (string) | Description |
| DENIED | The value of symbol name (which is not supported in VASP) | Unknown or not supported asset symbol |
| DENIED | The value of network name (which is not supported in VASP) | Unknown or not supported blockchain network (i.e. symbol matches but network does not) |
| DENIED | The unknown wallet address | Unknown wallet address to the VASP |
| DENIED | A comma(,) separated required but missing personal information fields list | Verification denied due to lack of personal information |
| DENIED | A comma(,) separated undeliverable personal information field list | Requested personal information cannot be transferred for processing |
| DENIED | - | Verification denied having problems in sanction screening |
| DENIED | - | User KYC required |
| DENIED | - | Name mismatch |
| DENIED | The reason why it is not allowed | The originating VASP reject the user's withdrawal request for any reason. |
| DENIED | Error description | Unexpected exceptional case happens |
Response Body
Success case
Response Body
Field Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
result | boolean | true | Whether error reporting on the beneficiary VASP has been completed |
Error Codes
Missing parameter
Invalid parameter input
Invalid verification UUID input.
Last updated