Alliance Registration & API Key Creation

This page details the processes of registration to the VerifyVASP alliance, which includes a comprehensive due-diligence check and API key creation process

Overview of Onboarding Process

Register via VerifyVASP Console

  • You must register to be a VerifyVASP Alliance. This is to ensure all members are subjected to our comprehensive due diligence process so that only credible VASPs are admitted to the alliance. This is to protect the other members so that the alliance is trusted.

  • Visit the VerifyVASP ConsoleGet Startedfor registration.

  • You need to register separately for each environment(staging, production). The information registered in each environment is handled and stored separately.

  • The video below details the registration process.

Due Diligence Process & Alliance Confirmation

  • Once registered, our professional VerifyVASP staff will guide you along our comprehensive due-diligence process that is modelled after FATF guidelines.

  • We may request additional documents such as a registration form detailing your virtual assets business, company registration details, directors and owners. Please note that some registrants, such as unregulated VASPs may be required to be put through an enhanced due-diligence process.

  • All new members needs to be approved by the management of VerifyVASP.

  • Upon approval, you will be notified and will be able log in to the VerifyVASP console site after registration is approved and confirmed.

VerifyVASP API Key Issuance

  • Once approved, you can create an API Key.

  • Log in to the VerifyVASP console and click "Create API Key" in the dashboard to generate an API Key.

  • API Key is composed of an access key and a secret key.

  • The secret key can only be viewed once only during the generation phase. Ensure that you keep your secret key securely.

  • In the event you lose your secret key, you will need to create a new API Key again. However the existing API Key will be automatically destroyed.

  • The access key and secret key must be entered as environment variables executing an enclave server as below.

Enclave Environment Variable:

Enter the access key in the VEGA_ALLIANCE_ACCESS_KEY variable.

Enter the secret key in the VEGA_ALLIANCE_SECRET_KEYvariable.

  • The video below details the VerifyVASP API Key creation process.

Last updated